Thursday, November 6, 2014

Kroger Community Rewards Program

I'm starting this off with a beautiful picture of my Alaskan Malamute Kenobi RIP He was an amazing dog and together we did so many things for Texas Alaskan Malamute Rescue. And even now after his passing we still can help little by little. Thanks to Kroger Community Rewards Program it's even easier! We can help them out just by doing our normal grocery shopping. #GotADiscount

You can see in this picture that the last quarter Kroger donated $11.42 from my shopping trips with them. I started late the last quarter since I had no idea TAMR was part of this. Once I heard I signed up right away and have been doing my part little by little. Thanks to BzzAgent and Kroger they are doing a big push to tell more people about the Community Rewards Program. I hope more people take a look and add a charity of their choice to their Kroger card. If you are looking or wanting to know more about TAMR please check them out!


Make sure to enroll at and start sharing the love! 

*** I just want to share that for the first time EVER BzzAgent has put one of my reviews at the top of the list! I wish I would of copied my post but I had no idea this would happen. I wrote about all the great things TAMR does and how every little bit counts. I'm excited that people will see this and want to know more about such a beautiful breed and such an amazing organization. 

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