Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Charmin Plus The Scent of Chamomile

The last campaign I am currently in from BzzAgent is the Charmin one. This one I was very intrigued by since it was toilet paper with the scent of Chamomile. The scent is actually on the paper tube and not on the paper itself. When I received this box I thought it was neat to get a letter in Spanish! That was a first for me, none of my BzzKits have ever been in both English and Spanish. 

So my BzzKit came in and I had a package of free toilet paper and coupons to share. I was so excited just opening up the box I could smell that wonderful smell of  "Manzanilla" that's Spanish for chamomile. Chamomile always reminds me of being back home in Mexico. My grandmother always would give us chamomile tea for everything. That was her solution to any problem we had.

I open up the package put a fresh roll on the stand and waited. I honestly thought this toilet paper would fill up my bathroom with the scent of chamomile. But nope nothing happened! For the first few days you actually had to hold the toilet paper to your face to even get the smell. But then one morning I walk in, open the door and BAM hits you right in the face the sweet smell of chamomile!!! I was IN LOVE!!! People would come over and they actually thought I had sprayed something on the actual toilet paper and I would have to explain to them that the scent was actually on the paper tube. In the end I really enjoyed having the smell of chamomile in my bathroom and I can't wait to be able to find it at my local Kroger. I was sad that Kroger only had one package left when I went and it was pretty beat up LOL

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