Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Silk Almond Coconut Blend

Hey y'all! I know I have been super quiet but I finally have some reviews coming! I'm starting off the the Silk Almond Coconut Blend that I received for free from BzzAgent. When I got my coupon in the mail I was excited to go buy some and try it out. But it took me a few visits to Kroger to finally find the milk LOL It was always sold out!

Finally I found it and picked up a carton, the first thing I did was of course try it with my oatmeal the following day. Just like the Silk Almond Milk Plus Protein that I tried also thanks to BzzAgent this gave it a sweet taste to it. Anything that makes oatmeal taste better to me is a win in my book. Next up was making a yummy smoothie with it.

I gave the recipe on the back of the carton a try. The Choconut Smoothie and it was so good! I even did the exact same thing but I added strawberry mix instead of chocolate mix and it was really good. Our favorite was just a classic banana shake. Just a couple frozen banana's and some yummy Silk Almond Coconut Milk and tada you have a great shake in the morning. No need to add sugar or anything the sweetness of the milk works wonders!

I have been very happy with both Silk products that I have had the chance to try out. I really want to try this out on a cookie recipe I found on Pinterest but with a toddler who just learned how to walk. It's hard for this mommy to find time to bake LOL 

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