Thursday, May 25, 2017

Hello again!

Well it sure has been such a long time since my last post LOL so many things have changed now. My little baby girl is not so little anymore, she is about to be 4 years old. My love for Posh has also grown and now I am a consultant with Posh <3

I want to start blogging again about my favorite products with Posh and about my team. Southern Poshitality is my tribe and they are an amazing group of women and men from all over the country. I'm so proud to have each of them on this Posh journey with me.

So, we share see what product I decide to talk about first next week....I'm pretty sure it's going to be Beach Hair Don't Care because I love that spray!!!!

If you want to check out my store come stop by Posh by MarthaTXN

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Heebie Jeebie Foot Peel Kit by Perfectly Posh

Have you heard of Posh yet? I did from a friend of mine who became a consultant and slowly but surely I have become a fan of Perfectly Posh and now I'm a consultant! I have face masks, body scrubs, bath bombs, soaps, lotions....I think you get the idea. Recently Posh has released a foot peel kit that they call Heebie Jeebie this is what it says on their site.

Might I add that this is a VEGAN product how awesome is that!

Pampering isn’t always for the faint of heart—if you’re looking to naturally get the softest feet you’ve had in years, skip the razors and graters at the salon and PEEL!
Our vegan blend of natural skin exfoliators deeply penetrates to remove years of dead skin on your feet and toes. Old, cracked, and dry skin simply peels away to give you weeks of soft, smooth feet about 7–10 days after use. After treatment is complete, apply Perfectly Posh Schwanky & Soft Exfoliating Créme nightly to maintain fabulous feet for six to eight weeks or longer.
Kit contains one full treatment:
Peeling gel
Protective pink booties
Polka-dot socks
So I placed my order to give this foot peel a try, this is how it looks it's just a box and inside you have the gel, pink booties and the socks. I wish I would of taken a picture of all the items but I was excited to try this and my toddler wanted my attention. For $24 that's not bad at all when the results will be awesome feet!


I followed the instructions on the box, I soaked my feet for 20 minutes before applying the gel. Now the box says to use half the gel on one foot and the other half on the other foot. Let me tell you this is A LOT of gel!!! It was a mess, I recommend having a towel underneath and actually just squeezing the gel into the pink plastic booties. I wish Posh would thicken up the gel so it would not be so runny and less of a mess when you are applying it.  After you do that you put your cool polka dot socks on and wait an hour. I walked around a bit chasing my toddler and one of my booties broke and I started to leak. So on top of my polka dot socks I added another pair of socks to help with the wetness. My feet started to tingle and I got this fresh and cool feeling that was very relaxing. After the hour passed I went and washed all the gel off and my feet kept that awesome cool and fresh feeling all through the night. It was actually very refreshing.

The following pictures are of my feet (eww) and I have used no filters at all, I used my iPhone 4s to take all the pictures.



In 4 days I started to see peeling on the arch and heel of my feet. The ball of my foot and my toes never peeled. I did nothing different to my feet at all, took my normal morning shower and I applied lotion to them because it's a habit of mine. I know some consultants are saying it's good to soak your feet again ever two days to help the peeling but I never did. 


After my shower I looked at my feet and saw this! It was so hard not to pick at it, kind of reminded me of being a kid and pouring glue on your hand and letting it dry. I was kind of grossed out seeing this and I forced myself NOT to wear flip flops during this process. You really are just shedding this dead skin and it's not cute at all. 



Now you can see so much more peeling! You can even see how my skin looks now that it's peeled. Once again I had taken a shower and got dressed and looked down at my feet. I have no idea why my left foot was so pinkish LOL You can really see how my heels peeled and it was going up to the side of my feet. Oh the temptation to pick at it was so hard I just wanted to peel it!!! Like I said before I always applied lotion in the morning and at the end of the day my feet would still end up looking like this.


By this time my right foot was the only one still peeling. Look at all that dead skin just wanting to be picked at!!!! My left foot was all done, I did not see any more dead skin on it or anything. My feet felt really soft and I continued to do my normal routine of lotion right after the shower. 

All this happened in a week! Can you believe it, it actually did work and it was fun and kind of gross to watch your feet peel. To top it off it only cost $24 to get this done!


I took this picture downstairs instead of upstairs in my room so the lighting is different. Now almost 2 weeks later you can still see some skin peeling on my right foot. This is above my heel and below my ankle. My feet still feel amazing and are so soft.

In the end I must say this product is a keeper. I don't mind doing this every single time flip flop weather comes along, or when I feel my feet need it. Posh has not steered me wrong at all, with all the products I have bought I really do like this company a lot. I will be honest when this came out I was a little skeptical, even a friend of mine tried this out and she said her feet did not peel at all. I don't know what I did different, we both soaked our feet for 20 minutes, BUT I know I take really long hot showers and that could be why my feet peeled and hers did not. 

If you want to check out Perfectly Posh and get your own check my site out. 

Remember these are my views and my own pictures. This product was purchased by me and I made the choice to do a review on it. Not everyone will have the same results. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle!

Let me start with how excited I was to get to try this thanks to BzzAgent!!! I LOVE Aussie products, it's what I use in my hair daily. So Aussie has these awesome little deep conditioners that they call their 3 Minute Miracle. I got my box with 2 bottles of Aussie, a coupon for the next bottle I buy and 2 speech bubbles to take pictures with along with the markers. How cute is that!!! This is what the BzzAgent site had to say about it, a little product description.

Strengthen, shine, and fizzle the frizz

No matter what the fuss is about, Aussie solves it fast! 3 Minute Miracle Deep Conditioning Treatments offer five different ways to handle your styling blues. The Color formula conditions your hair to last with 10 times the protection. Is your mane super dry? 3 Minute Miracle Moist replenishes your damaged ‘do with three times the moisture. Strengthen, shine and smooth your hair in 3 minutes, miraculously!

I was given the Moist deep conditioner and with this Texas heat and humidity my curls sure needed the extra moisture. So a few days later I finally remember to place this bad boy in the shower. I get in wash my hair normally then use the deep conditioner that smells great. What Aussie product does not smell good anyways LOL While I wait the 3 minutes I go ahead and shave my legs, use my body scrub (Lemon Lavender by Perfectly Posh) DING after all that 3 minutes are up and time to rinse it off. Right away I could notice a softness in my hair and I was excited. I towel dry my hair proceed to style it with some Aussie moose and hair spray and let it air dry. Man my curls look great! They are so bouncy, soft and less frizzy too! I can't wait to try the other 3 Minute Miracles, I'm going to try the shine one next!

I had to include this picture of me that I took on May Fourth (Star Wars!!!) Anywho on this day the UPS guy looked at my hair and said "Can I touch your hair it just can't be real with those curls!" Looks like to me that Aussie's little 3 Minute Miracle sure got the job done!

Carefree Fresh is Fierce!

I know most of my blogs have been thanks to BzzAgent, but I finally got a VoxBox from Influenster!!!! I was able to participate in the Carefree Fresh is Fierce VoxBox. I received some pantie liners to try out for free and I was glad to do so.

I have never used Carefree pantie liners, I usually buy Always pantie liners so this was a new product for me. I use pantie liners daily now thanks to being a mom! After having a kid my bladder is just not that great. Lets be honest when I sneeze or laugh too much I might have a leak. But after child birth it's normal and now I use pantie liners daily. 

Once I got my box I tried them out the next day. I love that they are individually wrapped so I can carry some in my diaper bag. They stay in place and get the job done. I really like them, fresh is truly fierce when you know you don't have to worry about any accidents at all! Thanks Carefree!!!

International Delight Fat Free & Sugar Free creamer

Once again (In April) thanks to BzzAgent I received a coupon to try the International Delight Sugar free & Fat free coffee creamer. I'm a HUGE coffee drinker so as soon as I got this coupon I went right on over to my local Kroger store and got some. I picked the French Vanilla flavor and boy was I happy.

I got home turned my Keurig on and made an Italian Roast coffee using the new creamer. It has a great flavor, not as bold or strong like the original but still good. It sure was sweet, I did not even add as much sugar as I normally would using the this creamer. I used it every morning with my cup of coffee and truly enjoyed it. Now if they would come out with a Pumpkin Pie on in November I would be super happy!

If you are looking to cut back on some calories then give ID a try. The flavor is good but don't expect it to be a strong as regular creamer but it gets the job done. Great taste and a perfect addition to your cup of coffee. 

Hemis Fares at Kroger

First let me apologize for such a LONG break before posting anything again. 

Back in April thanks to BzzAgent I was able to participate in the Kroger Hemis Fares Campaign! 

As you can see it's a taste of Italy in your home! Who does not love Italian food?!? In my box I received coupons, a bag of pasta and some post cards with recipes on them. Along with a booklet with more information on Hemis Fares. Great tasting pasta, for a great price that can be found at your local Kroger! Now that's a bargain in my book hands down.

With the long spiral pasta I got I went ahead and made SPAGHETTI!!! Chipotle spaghetti is what I made to be exact. The noodles cooked beautifully, and they are hollow in the middle so sauce was able to get all over the pasta. 

Later in the month I went out and bought another bag of pasta, this time rigatoni pasta to use for my Spinach Chipotle pasta. Once again the pasta cooked beautifully full of flavor and looked beautiful! The rigatoni was a lot bigger than what I am used to using but it got the job done and everyone loved the dish. 

I was pretty happy with the Hemis Fares brand and with this campaign. Anything that involves food makes me happy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Kroger Fuel Points "How Low Can You Go"

What's more fun than going grocery shopping? Getting fuel points is!!!! You can't complain about Kroger and their awesome fuel points program. Your points can add up for a month and you can save up to $1.00/gallon! Every 100 points saves you .10 cents at the pump. Even if you don't have enough points, as long as you have a Kroger Plus Card you save .03 cents at the pump. Kroger's even has specials sometimes and you can earn 4x the fuel points for example when you purchase gift cards. But thanks to BzzAgent I was able to participate in this campaign and I received 500 fuel points for FREE!!! How awesome is that, it was all part of the #FuelTheLove Kroger had going.

So thanks to #FuelTheLove I made sure to have my truck almost at empty to go in and fill up! With my FREE 500 fuel points and my regular shopping at Kroger I had 856 fuel points saved up. That saved me .80/gallon at the pump. Since I was saving so much I decided to fill Big Bertha (what I call my truck) with Premium Unleaded! Before my discount Premium was $2.29/gallon after my fuel points savings of .80/gallon it dropped to $1.49/gallon! I filled up Big Bertha for $33.52!!!! Coming from having to spend close to $100 to fill up my truck being able to fill her up for under $50 is AMAZING!!!!

Thanks to Kroger and their fuel points rewards program I purchased Premium gas cheaper that Regular gas was on that day. 

So if you already shop at Kroger make sure to have a Kroger Plus Card and start earning your fuel points!